Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

The solstice has come and gone, and each day from here brings not only a little more light, but the promise of warmth and summer to come. So, too, the birth of Christ brought us the hopes and promises of heaven, and a reminder that the world, for all it uncaring cruelty, is a passing thing compared to the love of God. As a Christian, I celebrate both in darkest midwinter, looking not at the darkness that surrounds me, but at the light and love that is, and is to come.

No matter your faith, I wish you the best in love and life, in luck and joy. I hope that with the turning of the wheel of seasons, the next year will be better for you, full of happy memories to be made, of life that is well-lived, and wonderful times with your kith and kin.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and Calmer Half!

  2. Thanks, Wing, and I hope your Christmas was filled with warmth and happiness. Here's hoping we'll get to see you and Peter in 2012. *hugs*
