Monday, June 11, 2018

Coming Soon...

Raina thought she could leave everyone hunting her on the other side of the planet and lose herself as a tourist in the big city. Then she walked out of the spaceport as a car bomb went off, and found out paradise was worse than anything but her past.

Now she's caught up in a local revolution coming to a head, and the only person who can help is an investigator trying to get to the bottom of the explosive mix of on-planet and alien politics. Worse yet, his secrets are even deadlier than her own...


  1. Soon = In the next two weeks. We just released Peter's latest book yesterday, so he's trying to get the print version formatted and fix the wily typos that escaped him, as well as edit my book...

    I really wish I could say "this date!" - but I know he's working as hard as he can, and jogging his elbow for an ETA won't hurry it up.He's promised before LibertyCon, so within two weeks!
