Saturday, August 3, 2019

Research or Writing, pick one...

So it begins: I have a good chunk of outline, a couple characters sketches, some research, and I'm just going to write this small section of the story in order to help figure out the plot. Right? No dstractions, just writing!

...close the browser...

Less than three hundred words later, "1911's come in single stack, right? I'm not crazy?"

*open browser, lose an hour to the siren song of online*

Close browser. Now I'm going to write!

Two paragraphs later "Is there any steel-core pistol caliber ammo?"

..lose ten minutes to searching...

No! I'll just ask the subject matter expert in the house!

"Love? Are there any steel-content bullets out there in pistol calibers? Is it feasible for them to be produced if you're prioritizing defennse rounds against fae?"

Mind you, asking my husband for help has temptations and distractions all its own...


  1. If we could somehow be paid for mental wandering, we'd all be millionaires. :)

  2. *looking over from in front of bookshelf where she has been standing browsing through references on medieval salt-trading*


  3. Snerk... NO comment... Just spent 6 hours researching Peru in 1970... sigh
